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Выращивание исторически органических, очень богатых питательными веществами продуктов питания в лучших условиях.Прямое предложение проса

Выращивание исторически органических, очень богатых питательными веществами продуктов питания в лучших условиях.Прямое предложение проса

В 2003 году на стоянке Синлунгоу были обнаружены обугленные образцы зерен каштанов и проса, датируемые 8000 лет назад. ;
Базовая информация
Модель №.1 кг~25 кг
Спецификация500 г~50 кг
товарный знакЧибяо
Производственная мощность100000
Описание продукта
In 2003, the carbonized grain samples of chestnut and millet from 8000 years ago were unearthed at the Xinglonggou site. After being identified and demonstrated by research institutions in Canada, the United Kingdom and China with C14 and other means, it is believed that this sample is the earliest grain in artificial cultivation form. From this, it is inferred that the Aohan region of Chifeng is the origin of ancient dry farming in China and the origin of dry farming across the Eurasian continent.Since then, Chifeng millet has received wide attention from all walks of life.Full grain Golden colorEven grains of rice Fine grindingRich rice flavor gladdening the heart and refreshing the mindSmooth and soft glutinous rice Sweet and deliciousProcess Flow Diagram*CleaningRaw grain cleaning and specific gravity stone removalImpurity removal rate: above 96%*Rice millingSand roller rice milling, spray air rice millingDeembryo rate: above 98%Broken rice rate: ≤ 3%screeningXiaomi grading screenScreening millet to improve rice qualityColor selectionCCD color selection machineRemove foreign colors from XiaomipackingElectronic filling machinePackaging Xiaomi(Items marked with "*" in the flowchart are quality control points)Raw grain cleaning: The impurity removal rate after raw grain cleaning is over 96%.Rice milling: The dehulling rate is ≥ 98%, and the broken rice rate is ≤ 3%.
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